Monday, May 12, 2008

Spring Cleaning

The busy summer season is rapidly approaching, so I am trying to take advantage of our last few weeks before the American groups come by doing some serious spring cleaning at Agua Viva and in my home. 

Last week I began tackling the dreaded work room in the Agua Viva office, which I was able to purge of things like phone books that said 'Keep until June 1993', old records, things for typewriters and other old school office equipment that I couldn't even recognize, etc. I also found a lot of useful things that had been buried and are now liberated from the back of dusty cabinets. I have a few more things to get into place in the workroom, and then have big plans to tackle the donations/storage room, and the seminary storage (which will actually be changing locations). This may sound boring to you, but these are the kinds of things that my little administrative self finds exciting. And I guess it's just more proof that God can use anything we have for His kingdom. So if you're praying, please pray that all will go well with my spring cleaning, and that because of it the ministry will have better access to its resources and will be stewards of them. 

On the homefront, I am also working with Becky on getting things as good as they can be in our house. This weekend Jeff, a fellow staff member/handyguy/dad-like figure helped me buy and install a new sink in our bathroom. The old one and all its connections were saturated with green crud from years of leaks with the minerally-water we have at Agua Viva. We also painted the bathroom a few weeks ago, and we just need to finish painting the ceiling. But if you ask me, the house is looking pretty good, but I guess you'll have to come see it for yourself. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I really like the new blog format and your informatrive postings. Having been to RAV it makes it so much easier to understand what is going. I hope that more of your readers will be able to make the trip. DK