Monday, January 19, 2009

January News

I think that this year, 2009, is the first year that I have ever made an official New Year’s Resolution. I have been feeling the need for a while now to step up my communication with those care for and pray for me, and so I have resolved to send monthly emails informing of happenings at Agua Viva Ministries, prayer requests, and the like. I am pretty serious about this resolution, so if you notice that I start slacking and miss a month, please be on my case!

This time of year (January to mid-March) is considered our off-season at AVM. There are very few, if any American short-term groups and Mexican camping groups. But that doesn’t mean that there is nothing to do. In fact, I have a rather long and ambitious to-do list for the coming weeks: create a budget for 2009, ensure that the new electronic payment system with PayPal is functioning correctly (online giving is now an option ☺), wash and store all of the linens that were lent to the seminary students last term, create a meal pricing system to offer more options to Mexican camping groups, and I could go on. Like I said, it is an ambitious list, but will greatly contribute to the overall efficiency of the ministry.

Fortunately, I am feeling refreshed and ready for action after three lovely weeks with my family in Virginia for Christmas. And I have a feeling that 2009 may be my best year yet at Agua Viva!

On the Calendar:

January 20 – 28, Mission trip to South Baja California

This year I have the chance to go on a mission trip with other AV staff members to the San Francisco mountain ranges of Southern Baja California. There we will visit a missionary named Jose Ponce (a former student of MTI, the AV seminary) who goes on foot or mule to visit and disciple families at isolated ranchos. We will join him to support him and his wife in their work, visiting families, leading Bible studies, working with kids and youth, etc. We will hike to many of the ranchos, carrying all of our things on our back. I am very much looking forward to the trip and making use of the hiking boots I got for Christmas!

Prayer Requests:

Pray for wisdom and endurance as I tackle that to-do list mentioned above.

Please pray for my health. I recently finished a round of antibiotics to deal with three different parasitical bacteria living in my stomach. The whole process has been pretty rough on my poor insides, so I am hoping not to contract any more unfriendly visitors.

Join me in praying for the upcoming trip to South Baja. It looks like I will be leading a few talks (in Spanish, por su puesto) and would appreciate prayers that God would use me there and help me form relationships with people who live a life so different from my own.

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