Friday, April 11, 2008

Another Anecdote

After yesterday afternoon I needed to add another experience I had with Manuel. (If you haven't read the previous post, read it first). I went for a jog around the ranch a little after five and I went passed him twice. When I stopped he called to me from where he was trimming grass with a machete (this is the way he spends most of his time). He said "why are you running?" So I started to explain to him that it was for exercise, which is good for your heart, and your lungs, and your muscles. He seemed a little bit skeptical about the whole concept (a new one to him). And then told me that I should machete, which is very good for you and productive. And he gave me some machete lessons. I'll need some more practice before I'm up to par, but I've already added it as another skill on my list. Who needs lawn mowers??

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