Thursday, April 24, 2008


It's true. Tomorrow I will be embarking on a much-needed vacation! I will be driving up to Alta California for a week to meet up with my parents and go visiting our beloved family and attend Emily's graduation from Westmont on May 3.

I am looking forward to having some time off work, a chance to spend time with my family, go shopping, eat food from Trader Joe's, etc.

But I do have to do a little bit of work. Someone in Northern California (conveniently about 15 minutes from my grandmother's house) is donating a photo copier to Agua Viva. (We desperately need a functioning copier, we have about 4 that don't work). So I will drive up in one of Agua Viva suburbans to have a vehicle big enough to haul the copier around in. Please be praying for my trip, that the Suburban wouldn't have any problems and that God would help my depth perception while driving such a large car.

Please also pray for an open house I will be having with friends in Santa Barbara on May 4. (If you are in the SB area and want to attend contact me for details). Pray that I would be able to communicate about my ministry and give people a better picture of what it is that I do down here. Pray that more people would become involved in my ministry through prayer and giving. And pray that everyone would have fun!

Well, I'm off to pack, get last-minute stuff ready, etc. Bye!

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