Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Safe and Sound in Ensenada

I made it back home to Agua Viva yesterday afternoon after a day of travelling without air conditioning and without music. Well, not entirely without music because towards the end I just started singing to myself. But I was able to import the copier without any problems and the questionable Suburban I was driving (254,000 miles and counting) did just fine. So thank you for your prayers in that.

It felt good to arrive at the ranch, park the Suburban (which I have come to refer to as 'The Beast') for good, put my abundance of Trader Joe's groceries away in my cupboards (special thanks to Laura for taking me to TJs) and sleep in my own bed last night.

For the very first time last night I saw lightening and heard thunder here, and today it is misty and gloomy, perfect weather for staying indoors and playing with my new Mac (thanks Aunt Babs!).

1 comment:

Emily Stocking said...

yay! i am glad you made it back okay. te quierooo.